QuestionsCategory: Marketing and Community AwarenessWhich programs receive funding from a CCO?
Greg Dalton Staff asked 5 years ago

Do you receive funding from your CCO?

Renee Buchanan replied 5 years ago

CCO = Community Care Organization, like Advanced Health, Allcare, Columbia Care, etc.

Jennifer Mylenek replied 5 years ago

All Care gave Josephine County a two year grant totaling $35K and gave Jackson County a one year grant of $20k. Things have changed since then though and they are not as flush. Jackson Care Connect has never funded us despite multiple requests. We also requested from Columbia Care and were turned down.

Greg Dalton Staff replied 5 years ago

Thank you Jennifer. We’ve asked our CCO, Advanced Health, for some funds and have been unsuccessful. I see they are funding projects all around us and not sure why not CASA. It sounds like you’ve had similar results. Traces, in Central Oregon, just gave a considerable amount to their CASA program.

Jennifer Mylenek replied 5 years ago

My experience is that it is ALL relationship based. If you can connect and engage with the person who is funding community support, that would be key.

Greg Dalton Staff replied 5 years ago

Agreed, thank you.

Betsy Stark Miller replied 5 years ago

Hi Greg –

We have received funding from CCO’s, particularly those who are serving our more rural communities. I agree with Jennifer, it is all relationship based. I have had numerous phone calls and meetings in person with the two CCO leaders I needed to work with to secure funding. I also have asked CCO’s to fund our events if they are not able to fund our program work. That has been successful, although the funding is not as high for event support as it is for program support.

Greg Dalton Staff replied 5 years ago

Thanks Betsy, I struggle with the relationship part because I am under and umbrella and the ED’s of our Umbrella and our CCO do not get along. This has been an issue as they have funded just about every other organization in our counties. I have worked in the lower-level management areas and have received some event funding from our CCO. On a positive note, our ED is retiring in January and hopefully we can work toward building a more positive relationship with our CCO as they were just awarded a 5-year contract under CCO 2.0.

Betsy Stark Miller replied 5 years ago

Oh my goodness. SO frustrating that relationships of leaders in agencies impact the children who have the right to be served. However, I know it happens and am crossing my fingers that your new ED will have the skills to build back powerful players! Good Luck.

1 Answers
Renee Buchanan answered 5 years ago

Jennifer Mylenek replied: All Care gave Josephine County a two year grant totaling $35K and gave Jackson County a one year grant of $20k. Things have changed since then though and they are not as flush. Jackson Care Connect has never funded us despite multiple requests. We also requested from Columbia Care and were turned down.
