QuestionsCategory: Child WelfareDo you have a great job description for a volunteer coordinator/supervisor position? Where do you post job openings?
Renee Buchanan asked 5 years ago

If you have a great job description for a volunteer coordinator/supervisor position, could you share it with us?  If you have others you would like to share to be in the resource library, you are welcome to share those too.

What places have you found to be useful for finding qualified job applicants? I’ve heard applicants from Indeed seem to have not even read the job description and are just submitting to every job out there.

Robin Christian replied 5 years ago

I have used Mac’s List – – multiple times and find great candidates through posting there.

1 Answers
Alysha Shipley answered 5 years ago

This is the Job Description for our Program Supervisor Position in Lane County (We are changing the title to CASA Supervisor in the near future).

Our best applicants have come from seeing the job posting on Facebook or our website, or a word of mouth referral.
